Hi, I'm Iftikhar Ud Din.

I am a full-stack Data Scientist with proven experience in Data Scraping and Extraction, Data Cleaning and Preprocessing, Data Analysis and Visualization, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Computer Vision. I possess over 1 year of experience in Python, SQL, and Power BI. I completed my master's degree in Data Science at FAST University, Pakistan with a thesis in Computer Vision and Image Processing. I am a Top-Rated Data Scientist on Upwork where I have completed over 20 projects with a 100% Job success score. I am a complete team player with excellent communication and problem-solving skills.

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Here's all the stuff I do.

Here are some of my projects.

Cryptocurrency Trading Bot

Implemented end-to-end web-app to predict the prices of cryptocurrencies using Facebook Prophet, LSTM, and GRU on time-series data. Tools used Python Pandas, Plotly, Dash, and Tensorflow Keras.

Segmentation of CreditCard Customers

Clustered credit card data into 4 clusters using two clustering techniques: K-means and Agglomerative Complete Clustering with silhouette score of 0.21 and 0.17 respectfully.

Maven Restaurant Analysis

Created a 1-page dashboard for the Maven Restaurant highlighting all the important metrics from the consumers and restaurant perspective.

Data Visualisation with Plotly

Plotted customized bar,scatter, line, pie/doughnut, box, histograms, dist plots, and heatmaps for different datasets using plotly graph objects.

Car Price Prediction using XGBoost

Predicted the price of a used car using XGBooost Regressor model and Randomized Search CV in Scikit-Learn with RMSE value of 0.2797 and deployed it using Flask.

Diabetes Prediction using SVM

Predicted whether the person has diabetes or not using Support Vector Classifier (SVC) and GridSearchCV in Scikit Learn with an acurracy of 77% and deployed the model using Plotly Dash.

American Job Survey Analysis

Analyzed american community survey of students graduated in 2010 and 2012 and showed the highest annual median salaries in men dominant were of CS students while women dominant were of Nursing Students.

MNIST Digit Classification in Keras

Classified famous MNIST Handwritten Digit Dataset using Artificial Neural Network in Tensorflow Keras with an accuracy of 92.6% without a hidden layer and 97.4% with one hidden layer in the model.

© Iftikhar Ud Din